Thursday, August 11, 2011

Halo Reach Grifball

Grifball is an epic way to increase your K/D spread online, but only if you're good. In grifball, the point of the game is to grab the bomb, get to the other side of the field and place the bomb (thus killing yourself), although if you do it within the first few seconds of the match, you'll be branded an objective fag. Not a nice name. At the beginning of the match, you have two weapons, (a gravity hammer and an energy sword), no shields, and one wide open field full of people trying to endlessly slaughter you. Gravity hammers are effective against the normal players, and energy swords are effective against the bomb carrier. The bomb spawns in the dead center of the field, and has a variety of wierd effects for the player that chooses to take it. For one, they become Grif. The idiot from Red vs. Blue. Also, they gain shields, turn gold, and can move faster. The bomb, quite suspiciously, does not explode when you choose to smash it over an enemies head, and they instanly die.

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